My name is Dany Drobnjak, I am 31 years old and I have been practicing our great sport since 2017. I am one of the fighters of the Black Falcons of Touraine, the team who welcomed me and help me grow as a fighter with their endless support. They have become my family and showed an incredible cohesive spirit.

I particularly like 1vs1 all weapons all categories whether it is armor or Sword Armored Fighting (MSF). The Black Falcons of Touraine as well as my Italian heart team San Giorgio also introduced me to the world of 5vs5 Melee and more.
Since then I have traveled the world not with the aim of just winning competitions, but rather to find great fights and great opponents as I define myself as a fighter and not as a competitor.

France, Italy, The Netherlands, England, Spain, Mexico, Germany and others, so many countries visited several times during the same year, not for the castles or the museums but for the living monuments that are the fighters of our great family that is the Buhurt. I still have a lot of people to meet and I hope to so very quickly.
My last adventures were me taking part in two superb tournaments, the Zwaardvecht toernooi Den Helder triathlon in The Netherlands and the Torneo Tavola Rotonda in Ferrara in Italy. Two extraordinary tournaments where endurance and mental strength were truly put to the test. But it was worth it: because the fighters present during those events taught me a lot and they made me a better fighter. Thanks to the organizers and refereeing committee who did an incredible job to ensure superior quality of the tournaments.

The world is evolving and we are evolving with it, today we have rules, committees, social media organizations that work to raise awareness of our sport and its many faces of disciplines. We are all ambassadors of our sport! Fighters, referees, technical teams, photographers, club leaders, organizers…
And we must not forget: we must help each other at the national and international level, every gesture counts like every stroke of swords and shields we give during our bouts.
I am happy to announce to you that I am soon opening my club in France (Sarthe region in September) to introduce the youngest to sportive values and our beautiful sport by training our future generations of fighters.

I thank Buhurt International for their incredible work in communication, which allows us to keep up to date with many tournaments and makes us realize that we are many by informing us of the adventures of all these fighters and clubs.
Thank you for letting me write about how I see things. To you fighters from all over the world... Cross the seas and oceans. Climb hills and mountains. Fly over arid deserts and icy plains. Let's not wait for a faraway date to face each other! This is what I tell myself every time, it is unbearable to have to wait and wait for the opportunity to practice our sport.
Let's fight! See you all on the battlefield!