Le Lion d'Acier 2024
start date:
October 26, 2024
end date:
October 27, 2024
Closing date registration
October 19, 2024
Opening date registration
August 10, 2024
Registration closed!!!
Longsword men, Longsword woman, Buckler men, Buckler woman, Shield men, Shield woman, Polearm men, Polearm woman
Go to

Please log in to register for the event.
***english version below***
Le Lion d'Acier est le tournoi international de béhourd en duel le plus prestigieux de France.
Des compétiteurs du monde entier pourront s'affronter dans les catégories officielles Fédération Française de Béhourd : épée longue, épée bocle, épée bouclier et armes d'hast !!!
Des championnes et champions internationaux se rencontreront pour disputer le titre de Lionne et Lion d'Acier 2024 et ainsi gagner les chevalières créées et offertes par notre talentueux partenaire Dourbie Joaillerie !
- 2 lices
- 16h de combats diffusés en live
- Des artisans et exposants médiévaux
- des initiations tous publics aux sports de combats historiques avec la SAEA AVEYRON
Un week sportif et culturel à ne rater sous aucun prétexte !!!
Besoin d'infos ? Contactez-nous à leliondacier@gmail.com
Le Lion d'Acier is the most prestigious international duel béhourd tournament in France.
Competitors from all over the world will be able to compete in the official Fédération Française de Béhourd categories: long sword, sword & buckler, sword & shield and polearms!!!
International champions will meet to compete for the title of Lioness and Steel Lion 2024 and thus win the signet rings created and offered by our talented partner Dourbie Joaillerie!
- 2 lists
- 16 hours of fights broadcast live
- Medieval artisans and exhibitors
- introductions to historical combat sports for all audiences with the SAEA AVEYRON
A sporting and cultural week not to be missed under any circumstances!!!
Need information? Contact us at leliondacier@gmail.com
***english version below***
Le tournoi se déroule en intérieur dans une salle prévue pour recevoir des événements sportifs et festifs.
Sanitaires et zone réservée pour les compétiteurs.
Restauration sur place et à proximité.
Hébergements à proximité.
Accès autoroute A75.
Gare ferroviaire . Arrêt Millau (12)
Aéroport Rodez (12) et Montpellier (34) à environ 1h en voiture.
The tournament takes place indoors in a room designed to host sporting and festive events.
Sanitary facilities and area reserved for competitors.
Catering on site and nearby.
Accommodations nearby.
A75 motorway access.
Train station . Millau stop (12)
Rodez Airport (12) and Montpellier (34) about 1 hour by car.
Signed up marshals
No marshals registered
3vs3 men
no teams signed up
3vs3 woman
no teams signed up
5vs5 men
no teams signed up
5vs5 woman
no teams signed up
12vs12 men
no team signed up
12vs12 woman
no team signed up
Long Sword men
no duelist signed up
Buckler men
no duelist signed up
Sword&Shield men
no duelist signed up
Pole axe men
no duelist signed up
Long Sword woman
no duelist signed up
Buckler woman
no duelist signed up
Sword&Shield woman
no duelist signed up
Pole axe woman
no duelist signed up
Outrance men
no duelist signed up
Outrance woman
no duelist signed up
Registration buhurt
Registration requirements
registrations only available on : https://www.leliondacier.com/
This is a “one click” registration. Once you have clicked the sign-up button, your team name will appear on the list.
If you are on the list, it's your own responsibility to make sure the requirements are met. If after registration you can't join the tournament, contact the host, so the can put your status to “Rejected”.
Once you press “sign up”
you will share the following information.
- Team name
- Email of the team
- All members of the team
At the tournament you will be required to register at the host, every "valid" member has a QR code on there "fighter profile" only they can access it
Every person on a team can sign up the team for the event. If there is a requirement for the registration, it's the team's responsibility to make sure these are met!
Dueling and Outrance
This is a “one click” registration. Once you have clicked the sign-up button, your name will appear on the list.
If you are on the list, it's your own responsibility to make sure the requirements are meet. If after registration you can't join the tournament, contact the host, so the can put your status to “Rejected”.
Once you press “sign up”
you will share the following information.
- Full name
- Email
- Cards (yellow/red)
Registration requirements
registrations only available on : https://www.leliondacier.com/